Privacy policy

According to the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13th of the Protection data with a Personal Character (LOPD) and its regulations of development and the person responsible of this Web Site (Legal Advise), in compliance with the articles 5 and 6 of the LOPD, informs all the users of this site to facilitate or who is going to facilitate their personal details and according to the Privacy Policy , that these will be incorporated into an automatic file which is registered in the Spanish Agency of Data Protection.
The lender informs and guarantees to all the users that their personal data will not be given to other companies or in any other cases, but in the circumstance of transfer of any personal data, they will be asked to express their consent, informed and unequivocal from both parts. Furthermore, the users who are registered will be able access, rectify or cancel their personal details, whose request will be immediately dealt with.
At the same time according to the Royall Decree 1720/2007, the Lender has adopted all the technique measures and the organization needed for the guarantee of the security and integrity of the personal data as well as to avoid the lost, alteration or any other non-authorized people.
As user of the Web Site, you accept and allow the receipt of our electronic newsletter, as well as electronic emails with information about the most relevant news of our agenda. This approval can be revoked at any time through the ways that the Lender offers you.
As well as the Lender reserves the right to modify his treatment policy and security of the personal data, taking into account the actual legislation of this matter and prior communication to the people interested in it through the publication of the Web Site or through any other medium of the Web, or through any other communicative way considered essential, preferably sending the modification to the indicated email said by the User. The only proof of information sent to this email will achieve our information agreement.
The Lender informs that the User is not obligated to facilitate his/her personal detail through the Web Site, but in case of facilitating, it will be the appropriate, relevant and strictly needed to comply in order to give the offered services.
The aim of the personal data through the Web Site is offered for the following services:
• USERNAME REGISTRATION: the User is requested his/her personal details with the aim to register a username of their choice. For the possession registered it is needed to communicate the User´s personal details to a third party such as the organization in charge to process the possession of registration. Depending on the different ways the organization use it in any case these personal details are published in any database the owner shall be informed about their possession.
• WEB SITES HOSTING: the User is requested to supply his/her personal details with the aim to provide him/her the hosting web sites that he / she asks for.

• BILLING SERVICES: the User is required to share their personal details in order of any fees charged for the service or services the Web Sites have asked for.
• EXPIRY INFORMATION: to inform and notify to the customer the expiry of the contract of services dealt by phone, message or email.
• INFORMATION SERVICES: it is requested the User´s personal details with the aim to give him/her any commercial information of the requested services or that the Lender believes that it could be of interest.
This Web Site uses security techniques of information which are accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, procedure of controlled access and crypto graphical mechanism, with the goal of avoiding non-authorized access of any details. To achieve these aims, the User accepts the Lender require the details to validate the authentic controlled access.

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